VOT2022 Trackers repository
This is an incomplete collection of trackers submitted to VOT2022. The collection contains only those submissions to VOT2022 for which we were able to obtain explicit permission from the authors (this was indicated by the authors during results submission process). In most cases the code is provided as it was submitted, in other cases some authors asked us to point the link to their own repositories. The VOT committee does not take any responsibility for the state of code/binaries of the trackers available here. For any additional information regarding individual trackers, please contact the corresponding authors directly.
Each tracker is referred as NAME (Appendix Nr NN), where NAME is the name given to the tracker and NN is the tracker number referred on the VOT paper.
If you have any question or suggestion, please contact us on the support forum.
Short Term (ST) Trackers
DAMT (DAMT) - Appendix A.1
DAMTMask (DAMTMask) - Appendix A.2
Distance Guided Accurate Transformer Tracking (DGformer) - Appendix A.3
Link Two Frames - Segmentation (Linker) - Appendix A.4
MixFormer-ViT-Base-Seg: End-to-End Tracking and Segmentation with Iterative Mixed Attention (MixFormerM) - Appendix A.5
MS-AOT: Associating Objects with Multi-scale Transformers for Video Object Segmentation (MS_AOT) - Appendix A.6
One-stream tracker with online template updating for segmentation (OSTrackSTS) - Appendix A.7
Robust Visual Tracking by Segmentation (RTS) - Appendix A.8
Uncertainty-aware Semantic Consistency Siamese Tracker via Mixed Cross Correlation (SiamUSCMix) - Appendix A.9
Search Region Aware Transformer Tracking for Short-term Segmentation Tracking (SRATransTS) - Appendix A.10
Swin Transformer Tracking (SwinT) - Appendix A.11
Transformer Tracking with Light-weight Large Receptive Convolution Module (TransLL) - Appendix A.12
Transformer Tracking (TransT) - Appendix A.13
transt_ar (transt_ar) - Appendix A.14
Multi-Template Transformer Tracking (TransT_M) - Appendix A.15
Tracking by Student FUSing Teachers and AlphaRefine (TRASFUSTm) - Appendix A.16
[ANT (ANT)] - Appendix A.17
Accurate Tracking by Overlap Maximization (ATOM_AR) - Appendix A.18
Learning Discriminative Model Prediction for Tracking (DiMP_AR) - Appendix A.19
[Know your surroundings tracker with Alpha refine post-processing step (KYS_AR)] - Appendix A.20
PrDiMP50 tracker with Alpha refine post-processing step (PrDiMP-50_AR) - Appendix A.21
SuperDiMP50 tracker with Alpha refine post-processing step (SuperDiMP-50_AR) - Appendix A.22
Scale adaptive mean shift (ASMS) - Appendix A.23
[Discriminative Correlation Filter with Channel and Spatial Reliability (CSRDCF)] - Appendix A.24
[Discriminative Sing-Shot Segmentation Tracker v2 (D3Sv2)] - Appendix A.25
Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF) - Appendix A.26
[Local-Global Tracking tracker (LGT)] - Appendix A.27
[Learning What to Learn for Video Object Segmentation (LWL)] - Appendix A.28
Learning what to learn tracker with Box2Seg (LWL-B2S) - Appendix A.29
[SiameseFC-AlexNet (SiamFc)] - Appendix A.30
[VOS SOTA method (STM)] - Appendix A.31
Bounding Box (STb and RTb) Trackers
Backward Tracking for Robust Template-update (ADOTstb) - Appendix B.1
Adaptive Part Mining Tracker with Multi-Region (APMT_MR) - Appendix B.2
Adaptive Part Mining Tracker (APMT_RT) - Appendix B.3
DAMT (DAMT) - Appendix B.4
TCLCF tracker with deep CNN features (DeepTCLCF) - Appendix B.5
Distance Guided Accurate Transformer Tracking (DGformer) - Appendix B.6
Fast Saliency-guided Continuous Correlation Filter-based tracker (FSC2F) - Appendix B.7
Generic Occlusion Aware Network for Tracking (GOANET) - Appendix B.8
Link Two Frames (Box) (Linker_B) - Appendix B.9
MixFormer-ViT-Base: End-to-End Tracking with Iterative Mixed Attention (MixFormer) - Appendix B.10
MixFormer-ViT-Large: End-to-End Tracking with Iterative Mixed Attention (MixFormerL) - Appendix B.11
Normalization free Siamese Network for Object Tracking (NfS) - Appendix B.12
Neighbor ocean with cycle consistency (oceancycle) - Appendix B.13
One-stream tracker with online template updating (OSTrackSTB) - Appendix B.14
ReptileFPN Meta-Tracker (ReptileFPN) - Appendix B.15
Correlation-Aware Deep Tracking: Single Branch Transformer Tracking-base (SBT) - Appendix B.16
Uncertainty-aware Semantic Consistency Siamese Tracker via Mixed Cross Correlation (SiamUSCMix) - Appendix B.17
VGG-16 based Siamese Tracker (SiamVGGpp) - Appendix B.18
Search Region Aware Transformer Tracking for Short-term Bounding-box Tracking (SRATransT) - Appendix B.19
A Decision-level Fusion of Multiple Discriminative Trackers (SuperFus) - Appendix B.20
SwinTrack-Base (SwinTrack) - Appendix B.21
Ensemble correlation filter tracking based on temporal confidence learning (TCLCFcpp) - Appendix B.22
Transforming Model Prediction for Tracking (tomp) - Appendix B.23
Transformer Tracking with Light-weight Large Receptive Convolution Module (TransLL) - Appendix B.24
Transformer Tracking (TransT) - Appendix B.25
Multi-Template Transformer Tracking (TransT_M) - Appendix B.26
Tracking by Student FUSing Teachers (TRASFUST) - Appendix B.27
Tracking Vision Transformer With Class and Regression Tokens (ViTCRT) - Appendix B.28
Visual Object Tracking via Vision Transformer (vittrack) - Appendix B.29
[ANT (ANT)] - Appendix B.30
Scale adaptive mean shift (ASMS) - Appendix B.31
Accurate Tracking by Overlap Maximization (ATOM) - Appendix B.32
[Discriminative Correlation Filter with Channel and Spatial Reliability (CSRDCF)] - Appendix B.33
[Discriminative Sing-Shot Segmentation Tracker v2 (D3Sv2)] - Appendix B.34
Learning Discriminative Model Prediction for Tracking (DiMP) - Appendix B.35
KCF (KCF) - Appendix B.36
[Know your surroundings tracker with Alpha refine post-processing step (KYS)] - Appendix B.37
[LGT (LGT)] - Appendix B.38
[PrDiMP50 tracker (PrDiMP)] - Appendix B.39
[SiamFC (SiamFC)] - Appendix B.40
[SuperDiMP50 tracker (SuperDiMP)] - Appendix B.41
Long Term (LT) Trackers
Adaptive DiMP with Dynamic Sample Selection (ADiMPLT) - Appendix C.1
Combining Complementary Trackers in Long-Term Visual Tracking (CoCoLoT) - Appendix C.2
A Long Term Discriminative Single Shot Segmentation Tracker (D3SLT) - Appendix C.3
HuntFormer: Collaborative Dynamic Memory Update and Motion Prediction for Tracking Target Recapture - Appendix C.4
Progressive Fusion of Similar and Dissimilar Trackers for Long-term Visual Object Tracking (mixLT) - Appendix C.5
Fusing Complementary Trackers for Long-term Visual Tracking (mlpLT) - Appendix C.6
VITKT - Appendix C.7
VITKT_M - Appendix C.8
[SuperDiMP] - Appendix C.9
KeepTrack (keep_track_lt) - Appendix C.10
RGBD Trackers
DMTracker - Appendix D.1
keep_track - Appendix D.2
MixForRGBD - Appendix D.3
One-stream tracker with online template updating (OSTrack) - Appendix D.4
ProMix - Appendix D.5
SAMF - Appendix D.6
SBT_RGBD - Appendix D.7
SPT - Appendix D.8