Building tracker examples using CMake
CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system. It is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake generates native makefiles and IDE projects that can be used with the compiler environment of your choice. To compile the example trackers with CMake you can place the following script to the vot-toolkit/tracker/examples/native
directory to the file CMakeLists.txt
. Then use CMake to generate a project or makefile for your compiler and compile the examples.
TraX protocol
This example explains how to prepare a CMake project using the VOT C/C++ wrapper. It is however recommended that you integrate support for TraX protocol directly as the tracker will also work with the toolkit but also with other TraX clients. Follow the official TraX tutorials for more information.
# Try to find TraX header and library ...
FIND_FILE(TRAX_HEADER NAMES trax.h PATHS ../../../native)
ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTRAX) # Added to enable TraX protocol support
LINK_DIRECTORIES(${TRAX_DIR}) # Add library directory
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${TRAX_DIR}) # Add includes directory
ADD_EXECUTABLE(static_c static.c) # Generate executable for C tracker
ADD_EXECUTABLE(static_cpp static.cpp) # Generate executable for C++ tracker
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(static_c trax) # Link with trax library
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(static_cpp trax) # Link with trax library